Wildflower Garden

Monday, June 27, 2011


This past year has flown by.
So much has happened.
Now Summer is here, and soon another adventure of a year will be starting up again.

This is a list of some of the things that I've done, or learned over this past 'school' year:

This year I...
  • ...did my first on-line course ever, and was very successful.
  • ...was in a stage fight for the first time, and learned how to use a sword without killing anyone(I may have drawn blood... but everyone survived). 
  • ...won NaNoWriMo for the second time. 50,000 words never felt better.
  • ...learned that no, isn't always a bad thing.
  • ...stared taking piano lessons again with a new teacher
  • ... started working out of my Grade 8 RCM books for Piano.
  • ...learned that even though everyone else loves something, doesn't mean it's right for you.
  • ...registered  for my Grade  8 RCM exam for flute.
  • ...started lessons with a new voice teacher in the fall, then switched again in January.
  • ...sang with a microphone in a musical, for the first time.
  • ...sang with a new choir.
  • ...was in my first opera.
  • ...helped to design sets for the first time.
  • ...started this blog(a maybe a few others).
  • ...learned that choices are hard.

Over all, I feel like this was a pretty successful year.

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