Wildflower Garden

Thursday, March 31, 2011


"Intelligence with out ambition is a bird without wings."
-Salvador Dali

Thursday, March 24, 2011

mayhem and more

March break wasn't very relaxing for me.
I was sick for most of it, and stressed about not having a laptop, or a computer that worked properly.
I tried using our old desktop... but it's way to slow and ancient to be of any use for anything other than e-mail, facebook and blogging. I really just need it for my on-line courses, and it wasn't co-operating in the least.
Today is the last of this state of confusion. Right now I'm writing on a temporary laptop that we finally got because they weren't getting around to working on my laptop. But that ends now.
Mom gets to go pick up my laptop this afternoon!

Then I'll be able to update my family blog with photos from this month.

It;s going to be so nice :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

no laptop

The power cord for my laptop died on Friday, and now I'm completely laptop-less.
We had to send the whole thing back to the manufacture, something about warranty that don't really understand.

It's actually been pretty okay so far. It'll give me more time to read an what not, especially during the time I would otherwise be mindlessly wandering through the wilderness of the inter web.

I don't mind not having it right now, what with it being March Break and all, but I do want it back by the time I have to start up with my on-line courses again on Monday.

Today didn't contain anything much of notable interest. I had music lessons, and they went fairly well. It was one of those weeks where I practiced a fair amount and felt pretty good with what I accomplished.

Daylight savings is still kind of tripping me out right now. It's really confusing to think about what time it would be in 'old time' right now... I have a hard time fully grasping the concept. I'll just accept what my clock tells me, and not question it too mush further.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


I'm supposed to be working on my English assignment right now, but I'm sick and tired of it.
I'm 'responding' to a short story I read. But to be perfectly honest, I didn't like the story to begin with, and I'm really not enjoying having to think so hard to come up with answers for the questions.
I kid falls in love with his friends sister, and then he goes to a market, and the market sucks.
The end.

There isn't much else to say. Except apparently there is because I still haven't finished answering all of the questions.
I didn't even get what the 'moral' or 'theme' was.

I like poetry much better... poems are shorter and more artistic. You can be more interpretive with them, and the questions don't take as long to answer.

Oh well.
This thing is due tomorrow... and I'm out all day, so I really should get back to work.
I might only have one question left to answer.
And then I have to proof read everything.

I just want to be finished and get on with my week of nothing-ness.