Wildflower Garden

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I play the flute.
I enjoy playing the flute, and I would like to think that I am also good at playing the flute.
The problem is, I don't always practice enough.

Some weeks I practice perhaps once... the night before my lesson(something that should never happen).
And others I will practice for several 45 minute chunks at various times through out the week.

The thing I find strangest is, that how well I play at my lesson may not seem to relate with the amount of practice I put in that week.
Sometimes, when I only practice the evening before(or morning of), I am able to breeze through all of my scales, my pieces seem well prepared, and everything goes smoothly.
But other weeks I'm not so lucky.
Sometimes, even when I practice more than once, I get stuck on every scale and arpeggio. My pieces fall apart, and my studies sound sight read.
It's a strange phenomenon that I can't seem to comprehend.

Sometimes this motivates me to want to practice more so I never have a problem at a lesson again. But other times it seems to do the opposite.
Instead of playing more, I play less, and then I end up having a great lesson the next week.

I don't know.
That's just something in my life that is a constant mind-boggler.
It's an unexplained mystery.

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