Wildflower Garden

Sunday, April 3, 2011

just relax

Yesterday I went to a homeschooling conference in my area. Really the only thing I learned from the whole day is that people are too uptight and should just take a deep breath and let their kids be kids.
Most of the women there feel like they need to have every single moment of "education" planned for their children.
You don't have to PLAN anything. They best kind of learning happens organically and doesn't need to be planned at all.
Parents can't plan what their kids are going to be passionate about, or what their kids are going to hate.
Homeschooling is just as much about the parent learning as the child.
Parents have to learn to find creative ways to make things fun, but you can't plan fun.
You can have ideas, but a list and itinerary aren't going to make your child want to learn.
Learning is a natural thing. Kids need to be guided, sometimes lead and occasionally pushed, but for the most
of the time, they will lead YOU to what they want and need to know.
Every child needs to know how to read, but who can tell you exactly when that needs to happen? If you don't think your kid is up to par with their 'grade level', that's fine. If you are homeschooling, that can just happen when that happens.
There's nothing a child learns before grade 6 that they can't learn in grade 7 or 8.
Everyone wants their kid to be smart, capable, and bright, and they are and will be, if you let them.
You can insist that they learn how to do simple math and learn their alphabet and know how to read, but they shouldn't every say they 'hate it'.
Each kid is different, but contrary to popular belief, kids DO want to learn. They do need help to do that, but for the most part, they can learn on their own, as long as you are there to hold there hand and be there for along the way.

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